The Story Behind Twrl's Dairy-Free Milk: No Cows, Just Pea

Sustainable plant-based Twrl Milk Tea pea milk

The team at Twrl is asked often "What is the best non-dairy or plant-based milk?" and we thought it was time to share more about our amazing and favorite vegan milk...pea! 

Pea Milk was the milk our founder chose when dreaming up Twrl Milk Tea for many reasons: taste, nutritional value and environmental impact.

With a high protein content and smooth taste, pea milk appealed right away as a great vegan milk and whole milk substitute for the tea. The tea wasn't overshadowed by the milk and the consistency of the milk was not too watery for the tea. 

Peas are one of the best sources of plant-based protein you can eat. Unlike other plant-based milks, pea milk is comparable to cow’s milk in protein content but without the allergy triggers and carbon footprint. High protein, low carbs and sugars was the goal--to make a milk tea that's truly guilt-free. We didn't want the extra carbs and sugars that other plant-based milks often come packed with. We wanted a milk tea that could be enjoyed by everyone including those with food allergies (lactose, soy, nuts, gluten) or those following a keto diet. 

  • Pea milk packs 8 grams of protein per cup servingOther popular plant-based milks can’t compare to the protein found in pea milk. Almond milk only has 1g of protein and oat milk only has 3g per equivalent serving. 

  • Regularly consuming protein-rich foods like pea milk may help regulate appetite and keep you feeling satisfied between meals, possibly promoting a healthy, stable body weight. 

  • Pea protein is also rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), a group of specialized amino acids that may promote muscle growth and regulate blood sugar 💪 

  • Pea milk even provides a good amount of important nutrients, like calcium, vitamin D and iron and it's less resource-intensive than other plant-based milks like almond or soy and dairy milk. 

  • It has lower carbohydrates than other plant milks with a high protein content and smooth taste that may appeal to people looking for a quality alternative to cow’s milk.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions By Protein Source

Environmental impact is another reason we chose pea milk over other milks. Producing a glass of dairy milk 🐮 results in almost 3x as much greenhouse gas emissions and requires 9x more land than the equivalent glass of plant-based milk. 😧

The pea milk we use consumes 85% less water than almond milk and less fertilizer compared to other non-dairy milks (like oat, almond or soy milk). 🤯 

For all these reasons: taste, nutrition and environmental impact, we've said 👋 SO OOLONG to almond milk, soy milk and oat milk in favor of this superfood milk, PEA MILK! 💚 

Twrl Sustainability

We are dedicated to our social mission of creating organic and eco-aware products. We choose to import our teas using ocean freight rather than air freight (which pollutes 30x more). We also only ship packs of multiples, which helps us reduce the carbon footprint of our customer shipping.

We’re also proud to offer 100% recyclable packaging! Our mailing boxes & insulation are made of recycled cardboard, and every Twrl Milk Tea shipment can go straight in your home recycling bin.

Source: Which Plant-Based Milk is Best for the Environment?

Source: BCAAs in health and disease

Source: Role of Protein in Weight Loss and maintenance

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