Milk Tea and Its Benefits

Bubble tea, now more commonly known as milk tea, became a trend worldwide since the start of its popularity in social media which, in turn, led to it being a commodity in most countries.
Originating from Taiwan since the 80’s, the original recipe for milk tea has now become varied depending on the country it hails from.
But, even with the continuing diversity of its recipe, the benefits of milk tea must still be notable.
Organic tea as an agent to better health
Tea, on its own, has exceptional benefits. Tea is an excellent addition to a low-calorie diet as it only contains minute amounts of calories.
A more remarkable benefit of tea is its ability to reduce the risk for cognitive disorders, diabetes, heart ailments, and more.
To boost these benefits, there are teas made “organic” which provide better results. Organic teas are procured from plants grown from using natural plant minerals and nutrients without the use of artificial chemicals in both the growth of the plants and in the extermination of weeds and pests. These organic teas will then have different health features, tastes, and nutritional worth.
The common teas studied are green and black teas which are both made from Camellia sinensis leaves but processed under different methods. Both of these teas are enriched with flavonoids which act as antioxidants, combatting the free radicals that cause diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
Depending on the type of tea, nutrients and valuable minerals may be found such as theaflavins and thearubigins found in black tea which are antioxidants that alleviate high cholesterol and lower the risk for diabetes.
Polyphenols which have regulatory effects in cancer cell growth are present in green and black teas and thus lessens the risk for cancer progression.
When feeling lethargic, the caffeine in tea contributes to better concentration and alertness. Also, certain types of tea, such as chamomile helps in relaxation for winding down in preparation for ending the day.
Organic milk tea: twice the drinks, twice the benefits
Organic tea alone already has a heaping amount of benefits but added with milk which produces organic milk tea, results in additional benefits.
Since drinking tea is known to leave a feeling of bitterness and dryness, also known as astringency, some people prefer coffee to get that “kick” of energy. To combat this feeling, milk is added with tea which helps enhance and smoothen its flavor.
Not only that, milk is filled with nutrients like calcium, potassium, vitamins D and B12, and proteins which mainly assists in growth, and muscle and bone health.
Milk is also enriched with carbohydrates which is a great source of energy to boost one's efficiency for the entire day.
Although milk contains fats, these provide great results in making the skin vibrant which will then prevent early aging.
Organic milk tea also contains antioxidants, and nutrients such as tryptophan that provide anti-inflammatory and antidepressant effects.
Milk in tea: yes, no, or maybe?
Despite all these benefits of organic milk tea, researches are still mixed on whether adding milk in tea is more beneficial or more detrimental to the positive effects of organic tea as researchers confirmed that casein, a protein found in milk, may have the ability to bind with flavonoids in tea resulting to the inhibition of their activity in the body.
However, other studies resisted this conclusion as they have found that consuming black tea with milk did not inhibit the increase of antioxidants in the blood.
Also, some researchers established that longer brewing times result in improved retention of antioxidants in tea, despite the addition of milk.
It's in the amount
Organic milk tea provides beneficial results not only physically but mentally with the help of its antioxidants and nutrients that alleviate cancer, heart disease, stress, and depression.
However, it should always be noted that anything taken in excess will always lead to unfavorable results as even if tea helps reduce diabetes, immoderate consumption of milk tea with high sugar content will give an opposite effect.
Thus, it is in the moderate consumption of organic milk tea that benefits can be reaped.
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